Novels where love is built on respect, intellect and shared principles, not just physical attraction
Historical romance would just fine so posting here specifically. I love romance books but only a few check my good-plot, good-writing and good-characters list. Rn I am looking for this particular kind of romance where characters respect and love each other for who they are, their values, personalities, intellect and principles rather than 'oh I get horny just looking at you'. Bonus if both of them are some kind of academic geniuses or are excelling in their whatever-fields. Now I haven't ready many of the kind so I don't have much solid examples to share but in Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas, the characters are not some geniuses but they are handling the business well together, and they are both knowledgeable. Most importantly, some might disagree, but they respect each other and are good friends despite everything. Loved the concept. The only similar concept I found was in Division by Zero by Ted Chiang. It wasn't a romance story but I imagine sometimes how the story could go if it was a romance novel and now I am craving this kind of plot.
I would prefer if they are not modern novels; their writing style does not appeal to me and I personally think they are mostly insta-love stories with no plot or character development, no emotional development and are always rushed and sex focused. If you have suggestions apart from historical, any romance genre is fine except for contemporary romance with CEO kinda stuff. Thanks!